Friday, March 4, 2011

MFW 1st Grade: Week #20

It’s hard to believe we have been schooling for 20 weeks!  My worries of homeschooling have long since been laid to rest.  I have enjoyed this so much more than I ever thought that I would.  Not only have I learned right along with my daughter, but our relationship has grown in ways that it may not have otherwise.  I get to see her grow in knowledge and in love, especially when she is interacting with her little brother and sister.  Yes there are crazy, not so great moments with us all, but the joys definitely outweigh the less joyful moments.

Well on to what we learned this week. 

Bible:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  ~Proverbs 3:5-6

The 12 Spies

Finally, the Israelites came to the promise land!!  BUT…it was not empty, it was full of not so nice people.  (Oh man, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the Israelites, nothing seemed to be easy for them!)

So God told Moses to pick one man from each of the 12 tribes of Israel to go as spies into the new land and check it out. 


After 40 days of spying, they returned to share what they had seen.  The land was rich in fruit, milk, and honey, but the people that lived there were strong and the city had walls built around it.

So what did the Israelites do?????

They complained once again and stated that they should have stayed in Egypt.  God had enough and told them they were a sinful group of people and he punished them.  He told them that they would return to the desert for another 40 years to wander!!!  Ouch!!!

So Moses died and Joshua took his spot as the leader of His people.  After the 40-year punishment, they returned to the promise land to find that it was still inhabited by the evil people.

The Battle at Jericho

God gave Joshua an unusual battle plan for him to follow in order to conquer Jericho.  He had them march around the city, blowing trumpets, every day for 6 days.  Then on the 7th day they marched around the city 7 times yelling and blowing their horns, and the walls of Jericho fell.  The army then ran into the city and captured it.


What did we learn???

To trust God and follow his instruction.  His plan may not make sense to us, but he knows what he is doing.

God keeps his promises.  The Israelites were finally in the land that was promised to them.

077 Big Ladybug made a paper horn.  (Click here for the link.)

We also watched a video:  Bugtime Adventures, Against the Wall, The Rahab Story


Science with Water: Water’s Skin

Big Ladybug filled a jar with water to the brim, and added coins, one at time, until it finally poured over.


How many coins did it take?

13 quarters, 3 dimes, 4 nickels, and 9 pennies.

She also floated a needle on some water, and watched it sink very quickly when she added a drop of soap, which broke the water’s skin.


We also played around with drops, adding a drop of soap to them to see them ‘break’.

She is having fun with the water science.  If you would like to check out the additional science we are doing in our Winter Nature Study click here.

Did you know???

Water's surface tension is characterized by an elastic-type sheet on the edge of the liquid. In physics, this phenomenon is known as water's skin, as the thin layer of “skin” allows certain insects, small metal objects and other minuscule things to seemingly walk on water.


  1. Stopping by from Weekly Wrap-up! What GREAT drawings! Awesome job!


  2. Wonderful artwork! Nice handwriting too.
    Janet W

  3. I'm right there with you. This is one fun thing I love about you blog.

    We are right behind you with MFW 1st grade and I love seeing what your doing.

    I'm impressed that you are staying on task with the exploration days. I've failed at doing this and you've inspired me to get back on track.

    What a rich education your daughter is getting.

    {love your blog!}

  4. Very awesome week. I love the art work!

  5. What a fun Bible story... I love how He keeps His promises! Nice art Bebe

  6. Learning about water tension...very cool. Your biglady bug has beautiful printing.


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